New Feature Mitigates Risk for Remote Workers

New Feature Mitigates Risk for Remote Workers

There are very real risks involved for people working on wind farm sites mainly due to the fact they are in remote locations and maintenance on wind turbines are fraught with safety issues due to extreme height and moving parts of machinery.


If an engineer is working alone, they may have difficulty raising alarms or staying in communication.

Stay Connected and Track Workers on Wind Farm Sites

Skylark’s all-in-one mobile app for wind farm workers allows operational control to stay connected, track and manage people on the ground more safely and effectively.

The operational control platform has built in safety notifications, site worker check-ins, check-outs, adverse weather alerts, lone worker tracking tool and on-site access to emergency response plans.

Automated efficiency driving systems with work order processes and gated workflows that are aligned to the WTSR (Wind Turbine Safety Rules) ensure Safer Systems of Work

  • A fast check-in/check-out facility to track workers and contractors in real-time, implement site and asset restrictions

  • Inductions for site workers can be issued remotely to the Skylark mobile app ensuring that all workers complete the induction successfully before any work commences

  • There is access to the onsite emergency response plan and operational control teams have access to live pictures of the site and live location of site contractors to enable further management of emergency response

  • The app also has a free-call feature to contact the site controller should the need arise


Set Minimum Party Size as Part of Lone Worker Request

Skylark has now added a new feature whereby site owners can set a minimum work party size as part of a lone worker request. Employees or contractors can nominate a colleague to be part of the minimum working party.

Any additional workers will have to go through the same gated health & safety workflows as mentioned above to ensure that full compliance is achieved in line with WTSR (Wind Turbine Safety Rules).

“We had to put something in place that drove compliance and mitigated risk for the company. As the biggest player in the Thai market, we are setting the benchmark. By adopting Skykark, we have implemented a system that provides full compliance as it manages safety with checks, gated workflows and access. The Skylark application allows us to manage risks in such a way that we get full compliance, trackability, traceability and auditability which is very important for us as a company.”

Kelly Dallas, VP, Technical, Wind Energy Holding Co. Ltd, Bangkok, Thailand