The Skylark software platform is aligned to the Wind Turbine Safety Rules (WTSRs), which are a set of Safety Rules and Procedures to help formalise a Safe System of Work (SSoW). Developed by wind farm owners and operators, they represent good industry practice for safeguarding employees and mitigating the risks associated with onshore and offshore wind turbines.
Informing the Operational Controller of Work Completion
According to the 4th Edition of the Wind Turbine Safety Rules (WTSR) 2021 “The Authorised Technician shall inform the Operational Controller of the completion of the work or testing, together with any limitations/restrictions on the Plant/LV Apparatus and any changes to the operational condition of the System concerned. The Transfer of Control process shall then be carried out for the operational state of the Wind Turbine(s) to be returned to the Operational Controller. The Transfer of Control process will be recorded by both parties in accordance with Management Instructions.”
Documenting Wind Farm Plant Condition
As part of the transfer of control process after work completion, we have implemented a mandatory site check-out form that authorised technicians must complete before they check-off site via the Skylark app. This fully customisable form allows for the documentation of wind farm plant condition status prior to handover back to the site owner or operational controller.
Wind Farm Site Check Out Form

Gated Workflows for Wind Turbine Workers
This gated workflow procedure within the Skylark platform is aligned to the ‘Making Safe/Restoration of Plant and LV Apparatus’ rule that aims to achieve ‘Safety from the System’ and ‘General Safety’ for persons at work on the wind turbine.
As the technician cannot logout until the form is completed this action ensures compliance can be achieved and the mitigation of risk improved.
Enhanced Visibility of Wind Turbine Status
This record also serves to provide critical real-time information for the operational control team and enhanced visibility of turbine status for the asset management team.