How can a single software platform make your wind farm operations more efficient and effective?

How can a single software platform make your wind farm operations more efficient and effective?

When evaluating different software solutions for a wind farm business, companies seek to streamline operations, reduce costs, and achieve greater efficiencies. With many operational and personnel processes involved e.g. work order management, training, site inductions and compliance, multiple systems may seem to be the only solution.

Trying to merge data from disparate systems can be fraught with security issues, difficulties managing the flow of information and merging data for tracking key performance indicators and reporting. Some of the other key challenges that businesses face when operating with paper based or several software systems are human error due to re-keying, duplication, and lack of visibility over the entire wind farm operation.

How can Skylark Operational Control help?

An integrated, unified view

The platform has a consistent look and feel and integrates easily into your wind turbine control systems to streamline your operations with automatic work order generation from customer SCADA alarms. Operational control management becomes easier and more seamless with work orders, training, site inductions.

Skylark can also be integrated with existing asset management systems and energy trading platforms ensuring the operational views can be created within the operational controller solution.

Real-time information

Your on-site personnel can easily access all the information they need to be highly organised, efficient, and safe on the job. All your on-site users need are smartphones and they can access the app online or offline.

The features are tailored to ensure that your team benefits from real time information that facilitates improved productivity and maximises health and safety compliance. Our Wind Farm Operational Control software ensures all the information required for successful asset control and operation is stored together and is easily accessible.

Improved productivity

If your employees or contractors are bogged down by inefficient and disjointed systems, they cannot perform at an optimal level. The speed and flow of information can be compromised. With Skylark, on-site workers have all the jobs they need to complete and any relevant information at their fingertips through the mobile app.

By adopting a single software platform that can better manage and monitor work orders, training and inductions companies can enable contractors and teams to be more productive and efficient. On-site check-ins and checkouts in the app rather than by phone, along with push notifications and alerts reduces the amount of time required for operational work.

Cost savings

With a single integrated platform there is no further requirement for different systems whether manual or digital for job management, worker training or site inductions. These key processes are all contained within the Skylark solution realising cost savings with not having to pay for many different software packages.

Improved security

A cloud-based solution on a single platform can be more secure than operating different software within your wind farm operation.

Only through a single integrated software platform can wind farm operations get the efficiencies they need to grow and thrive.